Never know that When u involve in car accident you will be paid the lost of the period of thime that you can not use the car.
I involve in a car accident last year June.
After settle everything on the car repair and the insurance,
I recieved a letter from the other party insurance company that is
Don't know of what to do of the letter, I called up the claim department @ Head Office.
After 3 times they pass in here & there..... I finally give up.
I wrote a complaint e-mail through the website. the content as below:
"today i call to 03-78753333 for the third time to look for the executive Hernanee Bt Abu Hass. I've recieved a letter from kurnia regarding the accident on 3/6/07. (ref: A-3-06-004488*1C) I'm not clear what should i do, so i call up to clearified but unfortunately no one can assist me. (I think Hernanee is not around, i'm not sure). Please assist......"
after 10 minutes, Joanna Chew-Executive - Helpdesk call me up and help to solve the problem.
she ask me to go to their office and sign on the form then it's ok already.
Mana Tau...... when i reach the office, the customer service officer ask me about the setem hasil.
wah....... geramnya!!!! i tell her that Joanna never ask me to buy the setem hasil what!!!!!
Finally she say forget about the setem......she will waive it.
thank GOD..... finally settle eveything.